In Ontario, the practice of commissioning is governed by the Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act (the “Act”). A commissioner for taking affidavits is a person who is entitled to take affidavits and administer oaths, declarations, and affirmations in accordance with the Act (a “Commissioner”). Lawyers and paralegals licensed by the Law Society are deemed to be Commissioners for the purposes of the Act.
Statutary Declarations
Here is the list of statutory declarations that we commission.
Lost, Stolen, Damaged Passport
Proof of Loss Motor Vehicle Insurance
Medical Insurance Reimbursement
Documents for loans, debts and finances
Statutory Declaration for Proof of Identity and Verification
Replacement of University Degrees / Diplomas Request – Lost & Destroyed Form
Replacement of Birth Certificate Request for out-of-province
Statutory Declaration of Common Law Union for work and immigration purposes
Domestic Partnership Declaration
Taking Affidavt / oath
Common Law Union Statutory Declaration
Common-law union declaration form
Consent letters to travel
Custodianship Declarations
Certified Copies
SAP Affidavit
Family Law Affidavits
Invitation Letters
Indian Consulate Documents
Landlord Tenant Board Affidavits
15 min
30 min
30 min